Black belts

Attestation Attestation

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Certification for student and master's degrees

The Kyu-Test (Belt Certification) is an examination to pass to the next level of the belt. These tests include knowledge of basic techniques, kumite, strength and resistance activities. Certification is conducted twice a year (autumn and spring) and also at the changes of summer sports or training camps. Certification for master's degrees (black belts) is held once a year - at summer training camp. The schedule is made according to preliminary applications and is approved by the President of ARASHI MMA Federation.

Criteria that are taken into account choosing a candidate for certification:

  • Total amount of training
  • Quality of technique (according to accuracy of basic techniques on place and movement)
  • The level of physical purity (General physical preparedness standards presented during the certification)
  • Ability to conduct convert fights according tactics and technics
  • For the SCM (High Sports Mastery) sportsmen the competitive practice is taken into account (especially for Master degree certification beginning from the 4th kyu, it’s obligatory to participate in competitions of different levels)
  • Participation in events held by ARASHI MMA Federation (training camps, seminars, competitions, assistance in the organization of sports events and etc.).

Kyu/Dan Belt color Belts
Not certified White
10 kyu
9 kyu
8 kyu
7 kyu
6 kyu
5 kyu
4 kyu
3 kyu
2 kyu
1 kyu
1 dan Black


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